Players receive high-quality, pre-edited, dual-angle clips of each individual play they make, all housed on a Realplay profile page.
Each video is easily accessible and can be shared across an unlimited number of coaches, recruiters, family, friends & social media.
Players can choose their best clips and add them to their “Showcase Page” which can easily be sent to and accessed by anyone, enabling players to get their skillset in the hands of coaches and recruiters faster and more efficiently than ever before.
We love to support the community with freebies and clonables. You can clone, edit, customize our templates and use them for any purpose.
Players receive high-quality, pre-edited, dual-angle clips of each individual play they make, all housed on a Realplay profile page.
Each video is easily accessible and can be shared across an unlimited number of coaches, recruiters, family, friends & social media.
Players can choose their best clips and add them to their “Showcase Page” which can easily be sent to and accessed by anyone, enabling players to get their skillset in the hands of coaches and recruiters faster and more efficiently than ever before.
We love to support the community with freebies and clonables. You can clone, edit, customize our templates and use them for any purpose.